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Robert Michael Poole has written for a wide variety of magazines, newspaper and new media sources such as: AP, CNN, MTV, Interview, the Wall Street Journal, and global inflight travel magazines.

Blog posts: Film

BLOG 2014 October

“As You Were” at Tokyo International Film Festival

by Robert Michael Poole

Went to the World Premiere of “As You Were” by Singapore’s Liao Jiekai at Tokyo International Film Festival. The film explored the failing relationship of childhood sweetheart’s as they discover that time apart during their formative years, during which they are separated, has seen them develop in to different people that can no longer connect.

Though almost a silent film, the tale had a lot to say about how shared memories construct false realities that don’t always empower the here & now with the weight or meaning that they appear they should. Thus, we must always communicate with people from the past with respect and honesty, but never be afraid to live for the present.

A flawed film narratively, but it struck a chord.

Articles tagged with: Film

Francis Ford Coppola’s Lakeside La Lancha Captures Guatemala Culture

by Robert Michael Poole

Multi-Academy Award winning director Francis Ford Coppola has carefully kept his under the radar, even with “The Family Coppola Resorts” emblazoned across the five properties, and that’s due to their carefully chosen locations ranging from Argentina to Italy. The story of the collection though began in Central America, long before actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio bought Blackadore Caye in Belize to develop his own eco-resort in the same region.